The Eventbrite Seat Designer for Reserved Seating Events
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Project description
The seat designer is a rich interactive web based seat map and ticket creation management tool. It enables Eventbrite organizers to design and manage their own seat maps, set a selling order, create and assign tickets for any reserved seating events they host.
The seat designer is a rich interactive web based seat map and ticket creation management tool. It enables Eventbrite organizers to design and manage their own seat maps, set a selling order, create and assign tickets for any reserved seating events they host. The project aims to open up and disrupt the reserved seating event market by enabling organizers to take control of their own seated events.
The seat designer extends our existing event creation product by allowing the addition of a seat map to an event where attendees are assigned a seat when purchasing a ticket.
The seat designer is a rich interactive web based seat map and ticket creation management tool. It enables Eventbrite organizers to design and manage their own seat maps, set a selling order, create and assign tickets for any reserved seating events they host. The project aims to open up and disrupt the reserved seating event market by enabling organizers to take control of their own seated events.
The seat designer extends our existing event creation product by allowing the addition of a seat map to an event where attendees are assigned a seat when purchasing a ticket.