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12 Jun

Hello 2020

The Interaction Awards invites you to submit your design work for consideration in the 2020 Interaction Awards!

Founded by the Interaction Design Association (IxDA), the Interaction Awards celebrates design quality and innovation from around the world. Our goal is to curate the work that showcases how interaction design impacts and improves human lives.

Submit your best design work

We accept submissions in the following six categories:

  • Optimizing :: Making daily activities more efficient
  • Engaging :: Capturing attention, creating delight and delivering meaning
  • Empowering :: Enabling people to go beyond their limits
  • Expressing :: Encouraging self-expression and/or creativity
  • Connecting :: Facilitating communication between people and communities
  • Disrupting :: Re-imagining completely an existing product or service

All entries are judged in two rounds. First: your work will be peer-reviewed by IxDA members from around the world. Second: Shortlisted entries will be closely evaluated by our 2020 Interaction Awards jury for the final considerations

We believe in diversity of not only cultures but also of experience. Professional and student projects are evaluated together in each category. In fact, students can enter their first projects free! Fees are structured by professional or student status and geographic region. Read more about the Interaction Awards categories, rules, and prizes here.

New Co-Chair

This year, Jennifer Sarich-Harvey, the Head of Design at Pillpack (United States), will be steering the team together with Fabricio Dore, Associate Partner and VP of Design at McKinsey (Brazil).

They are both looking forward to seeing your work and greeting you at the next Interaction Awards celebration on Friday evening, 7 February 2020, during the Interaction Week 2020 in Milan, Italy.

New Awards Jury

Our new jury chair is still a secret — but will be revealed soon. We will also be introducing a new jury for this year and will be sharing profiles in the coming months. Stay tuned!

Spread the word

We have exciting plans in store and we can’t wait to share them with you as the year unfolds. In the meantime, please help us spread the word:

  • Tweet about the Interaction Awards (#IxDAwards) and follow us on Twitter (@ixdawards) for updates
  • Show your support on Facebook and like the Interaction Awards

We’re always available to address questions or suggestions:

28 Mar

A Celebration in Interaction Design, the films from Interaction Awards 2019

Every year, we have the privilege of hosting the Interaction Awards Ceremony but we also take the time to document how the Awards are brought to life, from submissions to jury deliberation to the event itself, when we first announce our winners. Today, it gives us great pleasure to share those stories with you.

It begins back in November 2018, with the Jury Weekend in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during the same week of Interaction Latin America. With the conference taking place just down the street, the Jury Weekend allows for the Awards Co-chairs, the Jury chair and the six Awards Jurors to all get together for the first time in order to deliberate over the many submissions while selecting this year’s finalists and winners.

The next stop is Seattle, Washington, in the United States, for the Interaction Awards Ceremony in February 2019, our annual celebration of achievement in interaction design that occurs on the final evening of Interaction Week. This year, Seattle experienced a rare and unexpected snowstorm that same day, which therefore required a bit of last-minute improvisation from our team of volunteers and local vendors to pull the whole thing off!

Christian Svanes Kolding was the director of our films, which you see below, giving the Interaction Awards a new perspective to this year’s voices, ideas and thinking about interaction design as well as the role of the awards for the industry.

Here, you can see all the videos that were shown that evening, from an Introduction film to every winner announcement as well as the special awards.There’s also a brand new set of films, made from interviews and reactions from the ceremony itself.

Take a seat and please join us as we present Interaction Awards 2019 – and thank you to all of you who submitted your work, and to all of you who attended and participated in this year’s ceremony to make it a truly special occasion. And congratulations to the finalists and winners

Interaction Awards 2019, Introduction

Interaction Awards 2019, Best in Connecting

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, Connecting, Finalists

Interaction Awards 2019, Best in Disruption

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, Disruption, Finalists

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, Disruption, Winners

Interaction Awards 2019, Best in Empowering

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, Empowering, Finalists

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, Empowering, Winner

Interaction Awards 2019, Best in Engaging

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, Engaging, Finalists

Interaction Awards 2019, Best in Expressing

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, Expressing, Finalists

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, Expressing, Winner

Interaction Awards 2019, Best in Optimizing

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, Optimizing, Finalists

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, Optimizing, Winner

Interaction Awards 2019, Best Student and Best Concept

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, Best Student

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, Best Concept

Interaction Awards 2019, Best In Show

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, People's Choice

Interaction Awards 2019, Future Voice

Live from Interaction Awards 2019, Future Voice

Interaction Awards 2019, Preview

Interaction Awards 2019, Thank you

You can also view the photo gallery.

Thanks all the nominees, finalists and winners for taking part in this year's version of the Interaction Awards.

8 Mar

Our Winners for 2019!

The eighth annual Interaction Awards ceremony took place last week, closing Interaction Week 2019 in Seattle. Not even the #snowpocalypse could disrupt celebrations, the show did go on. With a view of the iconic Space Needle, the Fisher Pavilion was an extraordinary place to host conference attendees, finalists and winners of the awards.

In a year where we saw some of the most innovative interaction design work from professionals and students around the world, we’re thrilled to share with you the winners for each category and special trophies, selected by our international jury.

Connecting:  Facilitating communication between people and communities.

Winner:  Finland: Explore State Spending

Engaging:  Capturing attention, creating delight and delivering meaning.

Winner:Lumen: Reimagining Immersion

Empowering:  Enabling people to go beyond their limits.

Winner: Olive, Finance made accessible

Expressing:  Encouraging self expression and/or creativity.

Winner: Digital Body Language

Disrupting:  Re-imagining completely an existing product or service by creating new behaviors, usages or markets.

Winner: Algramo Dispensing Machine

Optimizing:  Making daily activities more efficient.

Winner: Save Cash and Bank it!

Best in Show:

Winner: Save Cash and Bank it!

Best Concept:

Winner: Magic UX

Best Student:

Winner: Lumen: Reimagining Immersion

People's Choice:

Winner: Finavia Experience

Future Voice:

Winner: Pigzbe

Don’t forget: Submission for the 2020 awards begins in April!

31 Jan

Vote for the People’s Choice Award!

People's Choice Awards Voting Announcement and link

The IxDAwards are all about celebrating excellence in design across the world. Even though most of the award winners are selected by a jury, perhaps the most meaningful award is the People's Choice Awards as reflects the voice of the IxDA community.Voting is officially open until 7February! Submit your vote for your favorite Shortlisted project this year. The project with the most votes wins and will be announced along with other winners on stage during the 2019 Interaction Awards on 8 February at Interaction19 in Seattle, Washington.

How to Vote

It’s simple and will only take you a few minutes.

1. Review the shortlisted projects  

2. Find the project of your choice.

3. Vote! You’ll find a “Vote for this submission” button on your page.

4. Share with friends, family, and colleagues! The more votes you get, the better your chances.

Voting Rules

  1. All shortlisted projects are eligible for People's Choice (not just finalists)
  2. You may vote only once
  3. Voting officially ends on 11:59 pm (Pacific Standard Time) on 7 February

Come make your voice heard—vote today!

23 Nov

Announcing the 2019 Interaction Awards Finalists

After deliberating in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 18-19 November, our jury selected the following 18 projects as this year's finalists for the 2019 Interaction Awards. We will present the winners on stage in Seattle, United States on 8 February 2019, the closing night of the Interaction 19 conference. Congratulations, finalists!


Facilitating communication between people and communities


Re-imagining completely an existing product or service by creating new behaviors, usages or markets


Enabling people to go beyond their limits


Capturing attention, creating delight and delivering meaning


Encouraging self expression and/or creativity


Making daily activities more efficient

16 Nov

The 2019 Interaction Awards Shortlist

After several weeks of intense reviewing by our talented and hardworking peer reviewers, we're excited to announce the shortlist for the 2019 Interaction Awards!

Everyone who submitted projects contributed to the incredibly diverse body of work featured in our shortlist. Even if you didn't make it this year, we value tremendously the work you put into your submissions.

In our shortlist, you'll see student concepts alongside professional work from around the world. Domains covered by our shortlist members include education, political discourse, health, creative arts, government, branding & marketing, social science, and music, to name a few. And most importantly, the audience that these projects aim to help and empower range from the young to old, from the social to the introverted, from the comfortable to those who need comforting.

We couldn't be prouder to show off the incredible design talent setting their sights to take on the world's problems.


Facilitating communication between people and communities


Re-imagining completely an existing product or service by creating new behaviors, usages or markets


Enabling people to go beyond their limits


Capturing attention, creating delight and delivering meaning


Encouraging self expression and/or creativity


Making daily activities more efficient

15 Oct

Introducing 2019 Jury Chair Sadia Harper

We are thrilled to announce Sadia Harper as the chair of the 2019 Interaction Awards Jury 👏🏽

Sadia Harper has spent more than 10 years exploring how people interact with products and experience and the world around them. Her career in design began at Crate & Barrel where she created physical retail environments as a store designer. She shifted to the digital space at YouTube where she explored user trends and created branded content experiences, and at Intel where she lead the UX development of their wireless charging initiative.

As a Strategist at Sterling Brands, Sadia developed brand and marketing strategies for companies like Google, YouTube and Facebook to help differentiate both their positioning and their product vision. Sadia has spent the most recent years focusing on UX research and strategy. Her work at Collective Health, fuseproject, and currently Instagram, is centered around uncovering user insights and creating a UX vision that unites design, product, and marketing in creating meaningful experiences that transform the people they come in contact with.

Her broad practice in design is impressive, ranging from video and story-telling to complex products and services, she is at the center of the digital economy while still maintaining a unique perspective on how design impact’s people’s lives at scale. These are reasons we are confident that she will be an incredible a guiding voice for our upcoming Jury.

19 Sep

What’s the #NominationChallenge?

Every year, we see great submissions from agencies and large companies. However, we KNOW there are even more phenomenal designers out there doing great work, who deserve to be celebrated on the world stage.

THIS is the year for us to find the most awesome designers from everywhere, whether they work at smaller agencies, or are freelancers, students, and especially if they’re a part of underrepresented group. No one has a better eye for finding outstanding underrated talent than the design community itself, and if you have that eye, we need your help! We invite you to participate in the IxDAwards #NominationChallenge

It is super simple — here’s how it works:

  1. Nominate: On the social media platform of your choosing, nominate three individuals or companies (feel free to do more) who you feel have done amazing design work in the past year. Be specific as possible (ie. John, I am a big fan of the project you did about/ for ____________.)
  2. Tag: Use the hashtag #nominationchallenge and #IxDAwards. You could also include our handle: @IxDAwards.
  3. Rinse and repeat: Think about this like giving props to all your fellow designers. Tell your colleagues about it as well. The more you share, the more likely the community can find that hidden 💎. And remember to remind them to nominate three more people!

Those who get multiple shout-outs will receive a discount code on submission fees (make sure to use the hashtags!)

Sample tweets that you could send out:

I want to nominate [@handle] for the 2019 #IxDAwards, for their work on [project name]. It’s some of the best design work I’ve seen this year, and the community should celebrate it.

THE most awesome design project I’ve seen this year is [@project], @person@person should get an #IxDAward for their badass work. #nominationchallenge

@person, the #servicedesign work you did for @company was 🔥🔥🔥. It’s SO good, it should get an award 👌🏽 #nominationchallenge #IxDAwards

Show some love

This is a great way to show some love and support to your fellow designers out there doing some incredible work. We look forward to seeing your nominations on the Twittersphere!

✌🏽❤️ IxDA Interaction Awards Committee

18 Sep

To IxDA Local Leaders

Dear Local Leader:

As an IxDA Local Leader, you are integral to our goal of fostering the design community from around the world. Your unique perspectives on emerging design talent in your corner of the world helps us elevate design on the international stage.Because of this, we want to continue offering you free entries to the 2019 Interaction Awards, as we pursue our commitment to recognizing the best design work across from every culture on earth.

Promote Local Work

We're giving away one free entry to each IxDA Local Group. This means you as the Local Leader take up the challenge of deciding who will receive that honor for your region. Let us know your favorite project work — and also encourage others to enter theirs. To find out what makes work awards-worthy, check out past winners here.To get the voucher please write to:

Promote Student Work

It's often difficult for young and new designers to gain recognition for their talent and hard work. We'd like to do our small part to help, and are happy to announce that we're continuing to offer free student submissions. Every student may enter a project in one category for free.We want rising talent to understand the great company they'd be in. Our fantastic past student winner entries can be seen here.

Recommend Peer Reviewers

It's actually the global IxDA community that drives the Awards selection process every year. All submissions undergo a peer review process to form the short list of projects, from which our international jury of accomplished design practitioners select Finalists and Winners.This peer review process is unique to the Interaction Awards—your voice is critical. We'd be honored if you'd join us for peer review and also recommend additional reviewers from your local groups.Sign up here to be part of this year's Peer Review panel.

Local Leader Kits are here to help!

We know reaching out can be challenging so we've put together a kit for social media posts to help you build some buzz about this exciting awards opportunity.

IxDA Local Leader Kit

If you have any questions, or need other materials, don't hesitate to contact us at

Our New Co-chairs!

We are happy to announce that Fabricio Dore will be joining alongside Rodrigo Vera as co-chair for this years awards. Say hello during Interaction Week (3-8 February 2019) in Seattle, USA.Reach out if you have questions or suggestions:

Stay in the Loop

Twitter: @IxDAwards Hashtag: #IxDAwards | Facebook @InteractionDesignAwards | Medium Interaction Awards | Instagram @ixdawards

1 Aug

Introducing new co-chair Fabricio Dore

Fabricio is Associate Partner & VP of Design at McKinsey & Company where he helps companies become more human-centered and prepared to compete in the digital economy. He brings design leadership to the creation of digital products and services, that ultimately drive organizational change.

From designing one of the world’s first in-car digital experiences to electric connected cars, medical devices, global content platforms, multiple financial services applications, his career took him to Sweden, SF, Chicago, Munich, Shanghai, London, and many other places, but also back to Brazil where he created the practice of Digital Innovation at Itaú Unibanco and was one of the pioneers of Design Thinking in the country.

Fabricio has also worked at IDEO, Huge and SapientNitro. He’s graduated in Industrial Design (UFRJ, Brazil) and in Interaction Design (Umeå Institute of Design, Sweden). He has been involved with IxDA helping organize the Munich chapter and playing an active role in the community in São Paulo.

Fabricio believes designers have the responsibility to constantly reconnect us with humanity, create meaning and help us navigate complexity.

31 Jul

Hello 2019

After last year’s thrilling showcase of diverse and ingenious work, we’re excited to open up awards submissions for the 2019 Interaction Awards.

Founded by the Interaction Design Association (IxDA), the Interaction Awards honor design quality and innovation, open conversations within the community, and continuously advance the practice of Interaction Design as it continues to become a driving force for change.

We accept submissions in the following six categories: Optimizing, Engaging, Empowering, Expressing, Connecting, and Disrupting. All entries will be evaluated based on the following criteria: opportunity, audience, craft, and overall impact. All entries are judged in two rounds. The first round is an anonymous peer-review, which is open to all IxDA members who wish to participate. Shortlisted entries will then enter a second round, which will be closely evaluated by our 2018 Interaction Awards jury.

We believe in diversity and actively encourage participation from all over the world, across all levels of experience. This is why we accept not just professional but student projects as well. Fees are structured by professional or student status and geographic region. Read more about the Interaction Awards categories, rules, and prizes.

New Co-Chair

We are happy to announce that we have a new awards co-chair, Fabricio Dore, who will be steering the team together with Rodrigo Vera.

They are both looking forward to seeing your work and greeting you at the next Interaction Awards celebration on Friday evening, 8 February 2019, during the Interaction Week in Seattle, United States.

New Awards Jury

Our new jury chair is still a secret — but will be revealed soon. We will also be introducing a new jury for this year and will be sharing profiles in the coming months. We’ll keep you posted!

Spread the word

We have exciting plans in store and we can’t wait to share them with you as the year unfolds. In the meantime, please help us spread the word:

  • Tweet about the Interaction Awards (#IxDAwards) and follow us on Twitter (@ixdawards) for updates
  • Show your support on Facebook and like the Interaction Awards

Submit your best design work

Help us to further elevate the practice of Interaction Design this year by entering your favorite project work — and encouraging others to enter theirs. And, please, don’t hesitate to let us know if you have questions or suggestions:

Submit your work!
24 Jul

We move to Seattle!

After the beautiful experience from Lyon, France, Interaction Week 2019 moves from the European continent to North America, and most exactly to Seattle, United States. We are very happy to return to United States to live the most important week about interaction design and user experience in the entire world.

We are going to listen to experts and join conversations to reshape our changing relations with ourselves, our objects, the environment and the society as a whole.

The Week in short:

Education Summit / Workshops / 3 days conference / Student Design Challenge / The interaction Awards / Field trips & surprises

Interaction 19

4-10 February 2019

Seattle, WA

United States

See you soon Seattle!

17 Feb

Our Winners for 2018!

The seventh annual Interaction Awards ceremony took place last week at the close of Interaction Week 2018 in Lyon, France. Le Transbordeur was a phenomenal venue to celebrate our winners.

In a year where we saw some of the most innovative interaction design work from professionals and students around the world, we’re thrilled to share with you the winners, the best-of-the-best, selected by our international jury.

Don't forget: submission for the 2019 awards begins in April, two short months away! Want to be first to know when it all begins? Keep an eye on and follow us on Twitter!


VR Power Trainer, Powerchair Football Argentina

R/GA Buenos Aires, Argentina

“...speaking to the very nature of disruption…”


Moot, Make Democracy Great Again, Ireland

“...Not to make grandiose claims about how design fixes everything...we can focus on small parts at a time and still deliver genuine and effective change”



Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, Denmark

“...Heartening to see that the students were the ones thinking big…”


Shortlisted project receiving the most online votes from the public


Moment/Design Student team, USA



g0v / Government of Taiwan


Re-imagining completely an existing product or service

VR Power Trainer, Powerchair Football Argentina

R/GA Buenos Aires, Argentina

“ is meant to be embedded in the communities that you're designing for...”


Capturing attention, creating delight and delivering meaning

The Internet Phone

Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, Denmark

“ makes you think and relook at the materiality of digital design and websites…”


Enabling people to go beyond their limits

POSB Jolly

DBS Bank Ltd, Singapore

“...Everyone deserves to have access to high quality services that meet their basic needs...”


Making daily activities more efficient

New Nordic by SAS

Designit, Sweden/Denmark

" leads the way in showing airlines how to be more environmentally responsible...”


Facilitating communication between people and communities

Moot, Make Democracy Great Again, Ireland

“...thoughtful application of design process and clever use of technology can be used to solve huge complex issues…”


Encouraging self expression and/or creativity


Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, Denmark

“ works with us and for us, and tech learns, and tech makes mistakes, and we make mistakes…”

8 Feb

Join us tonight at the Interaction Awards in Lyon!

Interaction Awards 2018, Introduction Film from Interaction Design Association on Vimeo.

Interaction Design lovers! The Interaction Awards will take place at 18:30 tonight at The Transbordeur!

We have a dazzling lineup of the finest in Interaction Design case studies from the past year, our featured People's Choice Award, as well as an incredible Future Voice Award, all of which we can't wait to share with you!

See you tonight!

3 Boulevard Stalingrad, Villeurbanne

8 Feb 2018, from 18:30 to 1:00

About the venue

Once a water treatment facility, it has since acquired a bold new identity in 2010 that builds on its industrial past, thanks to the graphic collective Kolle Bolle.

The reputation of the Transbordeur has been established by thousands of renowned artists: The Chemical Brothers, Daft Punk, Foo Fighters, Iron Maiden, Jamiroquai, New Order, Oasis, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead… and now, the Interaction Awards!

4 Jan

Vote for the 2018 People’s Choice Award!


Cast your vote for the 2018 People’s Choice Award!

Now it’s your turn! The People's Choice Award is where the design community chooses to elevate and celebrate one project that represents the best of interaction design among this year’s shortlisted entries. Voting for the Interaction Awards People’s Choice is now officially open at

We’ll announce this award on stage during the 2018 Interaction Awards on 8 February at Interaction18 in Lyon, France.

Here’s how it works

It’s simple and will only take you a few minutes:

1. Review the shortlisted projects (not just the finalists: all the shortlisted projects may be considered)

2. Find the project you think represents best-in-class interaction design.

3. Vote! On each project page, you’ll find a “Vote for this submission” button.

Voting Rules

You may vote once for the project you wish to support.

The Deadline

The project with the most votes as of 11:59 pm (Central European time) on 7 February wins!

The recipient of the People’s Choice Award will be announced along with other winners at the Interaction Awards ceremony. Oh, and it includes a year's worth of bragging rights.

Spread the word and vote for your favorite projects!

19 Oct

The 2018 Awards Shortlist


After several weeks of intense reviewing by our talented and hardworking peer reviewers, we're excited to announce the shortlist for the 2018 Interaction Awards! Everyone who submitted projects contributed to the incredibly diverse body of work featured in our shortlist. Even if you didn't make it this year, we value tremendously the work you put into your submissions. Our awards and our industry don't exist without your ambition and dedication to the work we all do.

In our shortlist, you'll see student concepts alongside professional work from around the world. Domains covered by our shortlist members include education, political discourse, health, creative arts, government, branding & marketing, social science, and music, to name a few. And most importantly, the audience that these projects aim to help and empower range from the young to old, from the social to the introverted, from the comfortable to those who need comforting.

We couldn't be prouder to show off the incredible design talent setting their sights to take on the world's problems. Without further delay, here is our shortlist for the 2018 Interaction Awards!


Facilitating communication between people and communities


Capturing attention, creating delight and delivering meaning


Enabling people to go beyond their limits


Encouraging self expression and/or creativity


Re-imagining completely an existing product or service by creating new behaviors, usages or markets


Making daily activities more efficient

18 Oct

Jury week Montréal!


Hi Everyone!

We are thrilled to begin our jury week with an amazing group of talent, led by our chair Christina Xu!

The core team is complete with Brenda Sanderson, IxDA's Executive Director, Christian Svanes, our director for this year's Interaction Awards, and our Initiative co-chairs Molly Wright Steenson and Rodrigo Vera.

You can read all the bios for the jury team here.

We look forward to sharing the fruits of our work with you soon!

23 Sep

Thank you for putting your heart into your work!


We're off to dive into your projects, and elated to see how you pushed design forward this year!

With our Jury Weekend now firmly set for 19-20 October in Montréal, we’ve found some wiggle room in the schedule for submissions to the 2018 Interaction Awards.

Have any questions? Check out our Help section for FAQs or ask us something new.

16 Sep

You’ve (still) got time.


With our Jury Weekend now firmly set for 19-20 October in Montréal, we’ve found some wiggle room in the schedule for submissions to the 2018 Interaction Awards.

We’re happy to announce the new submission deadline of Friday, 22 September at 11:59 PDT.

But you don’t need to wait until the bitter end, get your entries in now!

Have any questions? Check out our Help section for FAQs or ask us something new.

The entries already submitted definitely have our attention. We’re looking forward to seeing what’s happening with Interaction Design around the world!